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Greta Thunberg

Created on: 12/12/19 10:45 PM Views: 541 Replies: 8
Greta Thunberg
Posted Thursday, December 12, 2019 10:45 PM

I just saw today that our current CIC, lashed out at "Time" Magazine & Greta Thunberg, the 16-yr. old Swedish student & world-wide climate activist, who was named Time's "Person of the Year", surprisingly, instead of Trump.  The part that surprised me is not that "Time" chose Thunberg as their "Person of the Year", but our president's reaction to ths perceived slight.  His reaction to "Time" & Thunberg was, to me, just another example of his totally childish behavior.  "They like Greta better than me. Waa! Waa! Wah!"  It is totally improbable to me that any president would stoop to jealousy & name-calling, particularly, regarding a child.  His behavior is actually, I believe, more infantile than childish.  But, I would be very interested in hearing from any Trump supporters, as to your perception of this presidential behavior, that has been made relatively public in the last day, or so.

Greta Thunberg
Posted Friday, December 13, 2019 08:30 PM

In response to Trump's rant that Greta was named "Person of the Year" and he wasn't:
Greta's new bio on her twitter feed: a teenager working on her anger management problem; currently chilling and watching a good old-fashioned movie with a friend.

Meanwhile, hate crimes have risen 226% in areas where Trump has held rallies.

Edited 12/13/19 08:31 PM
RE: Greta Thunberg
Posted Friday, December 13, 2019 10:55 PM

Janis, I had seen the thing about Greta updating her social media bio, to include some of the inane stuff that Trump said about her, but I hadn't seen the stat about hate crimes going up, was it 226%, in areas where Trump held rallies.  I realize that this will never happen - because Greta is only 16-yrs. old & she's not native-born American - but why do I keep thinking that Greta would have a very good chance of being a better (& more mature) president than Trump?  But, it's only a dream, because the Republicans are such strict constitutionalists, they would never let that happen - allow a non-native born person to run for president.  Damn them!

RE: Greta Thunberg
Posted Saturday, December 14, 2019 01:30 AM

a classmate was inspired by my post that's no longer there...


"Today is Friday, the 13th.  It's a rainy day at the White House, Giuliani is there in the rain."


"Giuliani in the rain.

Not this damn-ed man again.

Please Lord, put him on a big jet plane,

And send him back to Ukraine."


RE: Greta Thunberg
Posted Saturday, December 14, 2019 02:21 PM

Janis, I did see your Friday the 13th post, but I din't see any mention of Giuliani, so, was your post deleted because you mentioned Giulani?  Because you mentioned the hero of 09/11?  And not to mention America's mayor, in the early 2000s.  Doesn't seem very patriotic to me.  Or, is it because of his current role, as the president's private attorney?  Because, if you had your post deleted, because of Giuliani's current role, as the president's private attorney, as opposed to his former self, as America's Mayor, something seems very wrong to me.  Did you refer to Giulani as the president's private attorney?  If not, why was your post deleted?  Or, were you, once again, trying to slip one past the Censor(s), you naughty girl, hoping they wouldn't pick up on your sly craftiness?  Are we in Syberia yet?  I actually prefer Carol's spelling of that frozen tundra.

Greta Thunberg
Posted Monday, December 16, 2019 08:13 PM

Rush Limbaugh in response to people appalled by Trump mocking Greta Thunberg, the 16 year-old Swedish climate activist, upon being named Time's Person of the Year, on Twitter:

"The first thing to notice about Greta Thunberg is that she's 16 years old.  She claims she has Ansperger's type -- Ausperger's -- or autism -- Asperger's -- some kind of problem in that area.

"And so she is made the Person of the Year by Time magazine, which is what?  A political news magazine.  Greta Thunberg has been introduced into the political arena by the worldwide left, including the Democrat Party.  They have made her a political figure.  They do this on purpose.

"So she's out tweeting and politicizing, and she is free to lie and say whatever she wants to say about climate change and who's responsible for it.  And nobody is permitted to question her, you see, because she has -- what did they call it?  She is in the autism spectrum, so you can't disagree, you can't question, because she's not well."

-- If you value basic human decency, Rush Limbaugh's voice is one to ignore.  Rush is a patriarchal old white man who puts people like himself atop the power structure and he won't allow anyone to inconvenience him in the least.

Limbaugh reigns over his world, a world of white, male dominance, a world where people like him don't have to think about the words they use or whether something they say might offend someone.


Edited 12/17/19 07:54 AM
Greta Thunberg
Posted Wednesday, December 18, 2019 08:02 PM

Ms. Thunberg has a real challenge living with being "on the spectrum," a term used by psychologists to identify people with symptoms of Asberger's Syndrome.  We have it in our family.  The symptoms very greatly and people with Asberger's can make amazing progress all the way to normalcy when given the proper support mechanisms.  As I watched her speech, I suspected more was involved than just her anger. At age 16, I would hope a parent or adult therapist would be right there with her to deal with all the media, photographers, reporter's questions and travel arrangements to help her process events and keep them in balance.

Edited 12/18/19 08:03 PM
RE: Greta Thunberg
Posted Thursday, December 19, 2019 11:25 AM

Paul, thank you for your input.

RE: Greta Thunberg
Posted Tuesday, January 21, 2020 06:29 AM

Greta will be at Davos to counter Trump on climate change?

Is Trump aware of the bushfires in Australia?


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